Have you ever thought that some people are naturally weak and others strong? Well, if you are an avid reader, you have interacted with such phrases before. Phrases like: some are born to excel while others are not; there will always be winners and losers; etc. Honestly, sometimes it appears to be true. I want to believe that it is not true but the circumstances unfortunately make it seem so. For example, we have no control over so many things. We do not choose the countries we are born in nor do we choose the families we are born in and yet those two things have a great impact on our future. Similarly, we do not choose when we are born. Do you know their children born at the height of conflicts and witness many terrors no child should ever witness? But they have no choice. Fate places them there.
That is a very sad truth to know but what can we do. Even if you give ten people the same amount of money, the results will differ. People say that we choose how we react to things and this is true but I think our brains are wired to think differently. That is why even if people are exposed to the same situations, the impact is different. We can't say all children born to rich families remain rich when they grow up. We have seen some become paupers even when there parents are still alive. The same happens to children born in dire situations. Things turn around for a few but not for many. Doesn't that make life miserable? It should but should also open our eyes to lower our expectations. We have little control over things and we can only hope for the best.
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