I think this whole adulting experience sometimes makes us forget the basics. There is a lot that goes on and a lot that happens too that makes us forget a couple of things. During my time at the university, I was always told by my mentor that the foundation is very important. I wanted a lot of things. I wanted to be great even before I was great and he would tell me to slow down. If the foundation was not strong enough, I would topple over before I even opened my eyes. And now I am 25 and the whole fuss of exhibiting at least some signs of being wealthy in the future is up again. When you go to Instagram, you see the people you used to study with doing much great. They are travelling all over the world and oh boy, they look AMAZING. You keep wondering WHERE DID I GO WRONG? I don't even drive nor own any property to my name. You feel you are failing. You become anxious. Things don't look good.
But you know what, life is not the same for everybody. There are filthy rich countries and filthy poor countries. That is how life is going to be for us. You do not want to be at the bottom and hope to at least have the basics. Honestly, I think we have to remember this: When we were young, our parents gave us only what was best for us. They also did what they thought was best for us at that time. Were they wrong at that time? You think they did not envy those who took holidays with their children abroad or threw huge birthday parties for their children? They also wanted that. But they could not do that. They only did what they could and voila!!! Here you are!
The most you can also do for yourself now is to do what is best and what you can do for yourself NOW. Tomorrow will come and you will do the same.