I was recently surprised to know that tigers have a lifespan of 20-25 years. Poor creatures! That is what I thought to myself. Knowing that was a big deal to me because I am currently 25 years of age. Just in case I was a tigress, I would be coming closer to my death day with the passing of each minute. But I am not a tigress. I am human. We also have lifespans. Our lifespans vary from country to country. But just like all forms of life, our existence is limited. Just when you think that life is so short, boom, you discover that certain forms of life do not have a choice to experience life like we do. But they live! And they continue to exist.
Is that fair for them? Is having limits on our lives fair for us? I would presume that a creator would want to see their creations blossom for eternity. However, this is the 21st century and it is only 21st because it is dated that way. We do not know if the world has existed long before then. We do not know the forms of life that have been there before. We do not know so many things. The world is much older than we can ever think of and it has watched different forms of life come and go. I envy archaeologists and all those that dedicate their lives to understanding the past.
It is because of the past that we are here. The future will be what it will be because of what we are doing today. And what we are doing today will one day be the past.
Let's make the world better for those to come after us like those that came before us did!